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So I take a look on the permissions folder (reference: Youtube video) and noticed that android.hardware.usb.host.xml is missing. I did a lot of research on how to add this file in that directory but nothing works. I just did this https://superuser.com/questions/126073/chmod-to-allow-read-and-write-permissions-for-directory By clicking the "Save Online" button you agree to our terms and conditions. Jul 30, 2014 at 1:19 AM. #1. The file "android.hardware.usb.host.xml" is damaged/corrupt and cannot be opened. I need to replace it with a new one. Don't know how to do it. Tried with ES file explorer but it didn't work. android usb host接入(usb otg) 接入前先了解一下usb otg的概念. usb otg:usb on-the-go通常缩写为usb otg,是usb2.0规格的补充标准。 它可使usb设备,例如播放器或手机,从usb周边设备变为usb主机,与其他usb设备连接通信。 AlarmClock; BlockedNumberContract; BlockedNumberContract.BlockedNumbers; Browser; CalendarContract; CalendarContract.Attendees; CalendarContract.CalendarAlerts I did a backup restore on my phone Cherry Mobile Infinix Pure XL (Model: X210) and I found out that USB-OTG is not working. So I take a look on the permissions folder (reference: Youtube video) and noticed that android.hardware.usb.host.xml is missing. I did a lot of research on…
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进入系统,找到目录“/system/etc/permissions”,可以用ES或者RE文件管理器 查看该目录下,是否有一个文件"android.hardware.usb.host.xml", 概览 · 优化下载以实现高效网络访问 · 尽量减少定期更新的影响 · 避免冗余下载 · 基于连接 下表介绍了 android.hardware.usb 软件包中的USB 主机API。 表1. USB 主机API. 类, 说明. UsbManager, 您可以枚举连接的USB 设备并与之通信。 在XML 资源文件中,为要过滤的USB 设备声明
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在 android 开发 USB 功能时,少部分 android 的手机不支持 USB 的功能,使用如下代码测试: boolean ret=getPackageManager ().hasSystemFeature (" android. hardware. usb. host "); 调用后ret返回false,表示该手机不支持 USB 功能。. 解决办法如下: 1.使用root工具root手机 (推荐使用root大师) Android USB 开发小结: host 模式与 accessory 模式 5558. 2018-12-27. 我已经将android.hardware.usb.host.xml文件放到模拟器/system/dev/permissions目录下了,然后运行,在PC上插我的设备(我的系统是Ubuntu,搭建到android开发环境),还是没有提示发现设备之类的提示呢~我将deviceList的size的值赋值给了一个TextView,输出还是0呢~ 09/05/2012
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