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Hace 1 día · This line perfectly sums up the entire vaccine conundrum: “We are not all in the same boat, we are in the same storm, but not in the same boat.” Let us hope that all stakeholders are listening. conundrum什么意思,conundrum翻译 基本解释. n.: 令人迷惑的难题;复杂难解的问题;谜语 网络: 谜题;复杂难题;谜团. 权威解释. 令人迷惑的难题;复杂难解的问题: a confusing problem or question that is very difficult to solve. 谜语: a question, usually involving a trick with words, that you Hace 1 día · Global apparel brands tangled in Xinjiang cotton conundrum The likes of H&M and Inditex are being forced to choose between Western markets and the China market Data Monetization Teenage Sex Conundrum Summary. Finally, the organization needs an executive role – whatever you might call it – who has the responsibility and authority to drive the organization’s data monetization efforts; to develop, share, reuse and continuously-refine the organization’s data and analytics assets.

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